retrato soc|al da |ncerteza #3

Numa das nossas buscas por casas mais próximas do conforto do nosso bolso, encontramos o seguinte:

Fazemos um pedido de contacto e, cerca de uma ou duas horas depois, recebemos isto:


    First of all I'm sorry for the late reply but I had a lot to work and this is the time I could give you a message.Thank you for your interest.My name is Lori Jones and from the internet add, you could see, that the apartment located in:Rua do sol ao rato, 102,Santa Isabel freguesia,Lisboa, Portugal. It has 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room (110m2).
I am looking for someone to live in it, as soon as possible, because my company has won the auction for a project, in construction, for a building that will rise up in London, United Kingdom. I am a civil engineer, so my accommodation period in United Kingdom will be about 4 years. The renting period is from 1 months upto 1-8 years. As a result of this I want to rent, for this period, at this price and also to find the perfect person for my apartment. I`m the owner of the apt and it's like in the pics.
The apartment is furnished, but I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs). The rent for 1 month is 250 EUR + 250 EURO deposit (for the whole apartment)  including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable, parking, air conditioning, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator). You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I`m the only person who has the keys but I hope that we will find a solution.
Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.
Lori Jones
P.S. Please tell me if this is what are you looking for and reply my only if you are truly interested in the apt
- TRANSLATE: www.google.com/translate <http://www.google.com/translate>

Entretanto, visitamos o seguinte, referente ao mesmo apartamento:

Se há algo que a crise faz bem, é formar novos ladrões.


tomaz said...

i'm lost. mas o preço não é o mesmo?

o que é que eu não percebi aqui?

hello? anybody? ...are you there?

não é o mesmo guito?...não?

CS said...

Eu não entendi... e eu quero entender. Se não fosse tão tarde, ligava-te... que nervos.

CS said...

Conta........ ahhhh....

Anonymous said...

Ok, aqui fica a respota à Mr Loris:

"Dear Lori Jones,

Before asking you to take a look at the link below, let me ask you why do a civil engineer living in the UK (named Lori Jones as the American athlete) needs to use a google translator to write an e-mail in English? Plus, a bad English. Now, let me tell you (em bom Português): IDE-VOS FODER!


P. Correia"

Agora, pensando melhor - e para quem não consegue arranjar trabalho -, este até é um bom business, ehhehe...

CS said...

Obrigada, palim. Já consigo trabalhar descansada...

Kaipiroska said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH já entendi!!!!!!!! Chiça! Que nem tinha dormido bem a pensar nisto :p